Waqas Malik

I am Software Engineer 🙂

I am a Principle software engineer with over 12 years’ experience working on complex software development initiatives. I’m passionate about software development and I’m looking forward to getting to work on new projects in the near future.


TestingRTC is a browser automation tool focused on your WebRTC testing needs. By automating web browsers, you can simulate real users using your service from different locations around the world, running on different network configurations, all done at scale in a reproducible fashion – so you can test, debug, validate and optimize your application efficiently. testingRTC is part of our complete suite of quality assurance solutions. testRTC enables testing, monitoring and supporting WebRTC based applications and services.

Our goal is to enable any vendor who makes use of WebRTC to efficiently test, launch and maintain his service. To that end, we’ve built testRTC, a hybrid cloud – on premise service, which lets testing teams, developers and IT write simple scripts that automate browser behaviour. It lets us do all the rest of the work of launching browsers, collecting WebRTC metrics and sorting out what’s important to you. testRTC currently scores 77/100 in the Testing category. This is based on press buzz (41/100), recent user trends (falling), and other relevant information on testRTC gathered from around the web.

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